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Epilepsy and Medicinal Cannabis Awareness
Leading up to Purple Day on 26th March we will be sharing patient stories and real life experiences.
Please watch Louis' short film, made by his friend. ​
(may contain upsetting scenes of seizures)
In this short film produced by Daisy Jacob, Louis Petit and his mother Emma Mathews explain how cannabis medication has dramatically improved Louis's life.
After many conventional treatments Louis seizures were becoming worse. His mother researched his condition and eventually took him to a Dutch hospital to be treated with cannabis oils.
Louis and his family later discovered he had a rare genetic condition, and the conventional medications made his seizures worse.
Louis has been seizure free for twenty two months with the use of a medicinal cannabis oil. The family returned to the UK, but Louis has been unsuccessful in obtaining an NHS prescription. His family rely on charitable donations to fund his £17,500 per year life saving treatment.
It's children and young adults like Louis that the Intractable Epilepsy charity was set up to help especially in emergency situations when charitable efforts run out.
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