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Epilepsy and Medicinal Cannabis Awareness
Leading up to Purple Day on 26th March we will be sharing patient stories and real life experiences.
Please watch Musa's short film, made by his family.
Musa has had lots of improvement since starting the medicinal cannabis and being seizure free. He is a lot more alert, he is happier and he has started to make small developmental improvements. He can now roll over to the side by himself and onto his back and he has better head control. He doesn’t talk but vocalises a lot more, he is using the potential that he does have to the best of its ability. Before this, he was always tired, asleep or agitated, some days he couldn’t even open his eyes properly, it looked as if he was sleeping but he wasn’t. He is like a different child now, he will always have his challenges but he has come such a long way since starting the medical cannabis, it’s like someone suddenly injected life into him.
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